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qm-start: Start a specific virtual machine with a timeout in 60 seconds.
$ qm start ${100} --timeout ${60}
try on your machine

This command starts the execution of a program or a script using the "qm" command with certain parameters.

  • "qm start" is the main part of the command, signaling the start of the execution.
  • "${100}" is a placeholder or variable which likely represents an argument or option for the program being executed. It is enclosed within curly braces and preceded by a dollar sign. In this case, the value being substituted for the variable is not provided, so it is difficult to determine its exact purpose.
  • "--timeout" is another option or argument for the program. It is followed by "${60}", which is another placeholder or variable representing a timeout value in this case. Again, without the actual value, its specific meaning or function is uncertain.

In summary, the provided command initiates the execution of a program or script, potentially passing specific arguments or options (represented by placeholders) such as "${100}" and "--timeout ${60}". The true nature and purpose of these placeholders cannot be fully understood without additional context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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