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qm: Send a shutdown request, then wait until the virtual machine is stopped.
$ qm shutdown ${100} && qm wait ${100}
try on your machine

This command consists of two parts separated by the "&&" operator.

The first part is "qm shutdown ${100}".

  • "qm" refers to the command "qm" which is likely a utility or program used to manage virtual machines or containers.
  • "shutdown" is a subcommand of "qm" which instructs it to initiate a shutdown process for a specific virtual machine or container.
  • "${100}" is a placeholder for the ID or name of the virtual machine or container that needs to be shut down. It is likely a variable that holds the actual value of the ID or name.

If the shutdown command succeeds and returns without any errors, the second part of the command is executed.

The second part is "qm wait ${100}".

  • "wait" is another subcommand of "qm" that waits for a specific virtual machine or container to reach a certain state or condition before proceeding.
  • "${100}" is again a placeholder for the ID or name of the virtual machine or container. It is likely the same variable used in the first part.

Overall, this command shuts down a virtual machine or container specified by its ID or name using the "qm shutdown" command, and then waits for it to reach a desired state using the "qm wait" command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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