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List of commands for qmmp:

  • qmmp:ai:18b3b Load an equalizer preset in qmmp
    $ qmmp --dsp-preset-load equalizer:/path/to/preset.q1q
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  • qmmp:ai:9c19c Opens Qmmp with the DSP plugin settings dialog
    $ qmmp -p dsp
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  • qmmp:tldr:1b4ac qmmp: Play the next audio file.
    $ qmmp --next
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  • qmmp:tldr:34e09 qmmp: Start or stop the currently playing audio.
    $ qmmp --play-pause
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  • qmmp:tldr:6eb33 qmmp: Play the previous audio file.
    $ qmmp --previous
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  • qmmp:tldr:91a97 qmmp: Launch qmmp.
    $ qmmp
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  • qmmp:tldr:9e1bc qmmp: Seek forwards or backward a specific amount of time in seconds.
    $ qmmp --seek-${select} ${time_in_seconds}
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  • qmmp:tldr:d6137 qmmp: Increase or decrease the volume of the currently playing audio by 5 steps.
    $ qmmp --volume-${select}
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  • qmmp:tldr:d982c qmmp: Print the current volume.
    $ qmmp --volume-status
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