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qmv: Rename all files and folders in the current directory, but show only target filenames in the editor (you can think of it as a kind of simple mode).
$ qmv --format=do .
try on your machine

The command "qmv --format=do ." is used to help in the batch renaming of files using the text editor.

Here is its breakdown:

  • "qmv": It is a command-line tool in Linux that stands for "quick move." It allows you to edit the names of multiple files in a specified directory.
  • "--format=do": This option specifies the format in which the files will be displayed for editing. In this case, "do" refers to the format where the old name and new name are displayed side by side, separated by a "->" arrow.
  • ".": It represents the current directory. By specifying ".", you are telling the qmv command to work on all the files in the current directory.

So, when you run "qmv --format=do .", the qmv tool will open a text editor, displaying the current file names alongside empty spaces where you can input the new names. By editing these names in the text editor and saving the changes, the files will be renamed accordingly.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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