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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool qmv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Qmv is a command line tool in Unix-like operating systems that allows batch renaming and moving of files. It stands for QuickMove and is part of a larger package called renameutils. With qmv, users can edit filenames in a text editor and implement changes across multiple files simultaneously. The main advantage of qmv is its ability to handle large numbers of files and complex renaming requirements in a simple, efficient manner. It uses a simple syntax where each line contains a pair of filenames, separated by a tab or space. By default, qmv starts the user's preferred text editor, allowing them to edit the filename pairs easily. Once changes are made and saved in the text editor, qmv applies those changes to the actual files. Errors or conflicts are reported, allowing users to correct them before applying the changes. It provides an intuitive and flexible way to rename or move files, perfect for scenarios where manual renaming or moving would be impractical. Overall, qmv simplifies and speeds up the process of renaming or moving multiple files in a batch.

List of commands for qmv:

  • qmv:tldr:48d22 qmv: Move all files and directories inside a directory.
    $ qmv --recursive ${path-to-directory}
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  • qmv:tldr:a40e5 qmv: Rename all files and folders in the current directory, but show only target filenames in the editor (you can think of it as a kind of simple mode).
    $ qmv --format=do .
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  • qmv:tldr:cd76f qmv: Move files, but swap the positions of the source and the target filenames in the editor.
    $ qmv --option swap ${*-jpg}
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  • qmv:tldr:e11bd qmv: Move multiple directories.
    $ qmv -d ${path-to-directory1} ${path-to-directory2} ${path-to-directory3}
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  • qmv:tldr:e6795 qmv: Move a single file (open an editor with the source filename on the left and the target filename on the right).
    $ qmv ${source_file}
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