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qtchooser: Print environment information.
$ qtchooser --print-env
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The command "qtchooser --print-env" is used to print the environment variables for the Qt version currently selected by qtchooser.

In the Qt development framework, qtchooser is a command-line utility that allows users to select different versions of the Qt libraries and tools. It helps manage multiple installed Qt versions on a system.

When you run "qtchooser --print-env" in the terminal, it displays the environment variables set by qtchooser for the selected Qt version. These environment variables define the paths and settings necessary for the chosen Qt version to function properly.

For example, the output of the command might include variables such as "QT_SELECT", which specifies the selected Qt version, and "QTDIR", which points to the root directory of that version's installation. The values of these environment variables are used by other Qt-related tools and applications to locate the necessary Qt components (headers, libraries, etc.) and ensure compatibility.

By running this command, you can verify which version of Qt is currently selected and view the associated environment variables.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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