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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool qtchooser. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Qtchooser is a command-line tool used for managing and selecting between different versions of the Qt library. It helps developers easily switch between different Qt versions installed on their system.

When a system has multiple versions of Qt installed, qtchooser allows developers to specify which version of Qt to use when compiling or running their applications. This helps ensure compatibility and consistency across different Qt projects.

Qtchooser provides a convenient way to set the appropriate environment variables required for compiling and linking against a specific Qt version. It also allows developers to easily switch between Qt installations without the need to manually modify their build scripts or environment variables.

One of the key features of qtchooser is the ability to manage Qt installations from different sources, such as the system package manager or custom installations. It provides a unified way to handle the complexity of multiple Qt installations in a seamless manner.

Qtchooser supports various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It simplifies the process of managing Qt versions and reduces the hassle of dealing with compatibility issues between different Qt installations.

The configuration for qtchooser is stored in a configuration file, which can be customized according to the user's preferences. This allows developers to specify the default Qt version or define aliases for different Qt installations.

Overall, qtchooser simplifies the process of managing and switching between different versions of the Qt library, making it an essential tool for developers working with Qt-based projects.

List of commands for qtchooser:

  • qtchooser:tldr:0987e qtchooser: List available Qt versions from the configuration files.
    $ qtchooser --list-versions
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  • qtchooser:tldr:4fefd qtchooser: Display all available options.
    $ qtchooser --help
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  • qtchooser:tldr:5b537 qtchooser: Print environment information.
    $ qtchooser --print-env
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  • qtchooser:tldr:983f3 qtchooser: Add a Qt version entry to be able to choose from.
    $ qtchooser --install ${version_name} ${path-to-qmake}
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  • qtchooser:tldr:e7b6f qtchooser: Run the specified tool using the specified Qt version.
    $ qtchooser --run-tool=${tool} --qt=${version_name}
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