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raco: Search local documentation.
$ raco docs ${search_terms ---}
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The command raco docs ${search_terms ---} is used in the Racket programming language to search for and open the documentation for a specific package or module.

Here's how the command breaks down:

  • raco: This is the command-line utility for Racket that provides various tools and functions.
  • docs: This subcommand is used to open the documentation browser in Racket.
  • ${search_terms ---}: This part of the command represents the search terms you want to use to find the relevant documentation. You can specify one or more search terms separated by spaces. The --- is used to indicate the end of the command and separate it from any additional arguments.

So when you run the command raco docs ${search_terms ---}, Racket will search for documentation that matches the provided search terms and open the appropriate documentation browser with the search results.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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