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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool raco. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Raco is a command line tool in the Racket programming language. It stands for "Racket Command," and it provides a wide range of functionalities for building, managing, and interacting with Racket projects.

Raco allows developers to create new Racket projects with the raco new command, which sets up the necessary directory structure and files. It can also generate skeleton code for various project types, such as libraries, executables, and web applications.

Furthermore, raco offers tools to compile Racket code into executable binaries using the raco exe command, making it easier to distribute Racket programs. It can also create packages for libraries, allowing for easy sharing and installation of Racket code.

Raco provides a package manager called raco pkg, which allows developers to search for, install, update, and remove packages from the Racket package repository. It also enables the creation and maintenance of local package repositories.

Additionally, raco offers tools for testing Racket programs, such as the raco test command, which runs tests defined within a project. It also provides a code formatter called raco fmt, which can automatically format Racket code according to specified styles.

Furthermore, raco includes a documentation tool called raco docs, which generates HTML documentation for Racket packages. It can be used to explore documentation of installed packages or generate documentation for your own libraries.

Raco also enables developers to interactively explore and experiment with Racket code using the raco repl command, which starts a Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) environment. It allows for quick prototyping and debugging of Racket programs.

Moreover, raco provides tools for profiling Racket code, such as the raco profile command, which helps identify performance bottlenecks in programs. It allows developers to analyze and optimize their code for improved execution speed.

Raco is a highly versatile and powerful command line tool in Racket, offering an extensive set of features for building, managing, testing, and exploring Racket projects. It greatly enhances the development experience and productivity of Racket programmers.

List of commands for raco:

  • raco:tldr:6e3bb raco: Run tests in files.
    $ raco test ${path-to-tests1-rkt path-to-tests2-rkt ---}
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  • raco:tldr:8bb34 raco: Install a package, automatically installing dependencies.
    $ raco pkg install --auto ${package_source}
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  • raco:tldr:946c4 raco: Display help.
    $ raco help
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  • raco:tldr:bcdcd raco: Search local documentation.
    $ raco docs ${search_terms ---}
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  • raco:tldr:d1661 raco: Install the current directory as a package.
    $ raco pkg install
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  • raco:tldr:d6a83 raco: Build (or rebuild) bytecode, documentation, executables, and metadata indexes for collections.
    $ raco setup ${collection1 collection2 ---}
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tool overview