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radeontop: Select a specific GPU (the bus number is the first number in the output of `lspci`).
$ radeontop --bus ${bus_number}
try on your machine

The command "radeontop --bus ${bus_number}" is used to run the radeontop utility with a specific bus number as an argument.

"radeontop" is a command-line tool that provides real-time monitoring of various performance parameters for AMD Radeon GPUs. It can display information such as GPU utilization, memory usage, temperature, and clock speeds.

The "--bus" option is used to specify the bus number of the GPU that you want to monitor. The bus number is a unique identifier assigned to each PCI device in a computer system. By providing the bus number, you can focus on monitoring the specific GPU that you are interested in.

The "${bus_number}" is a placeholder that needs to be replaced with the actual bus number of the target GPU. You would need to determine the bus number of your Radeon GPU beforehand and substitute it for "${bus_number}" in the command.

By running this command with the appropriate bus number, you can monitor the performance of a specific Radeon GPU in real-time using the radeontop utility.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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