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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool radeontop. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Radeontop is a command line tool used to monitor various performance metrics of AMD Radeon GPUs. It provides real-time information about the GPU's utilization, temperature, clock speeds, fan speed, and power consumption.

The tool is specifically designed for AMD GPUs and relies on the Radeon DRM kernel module to collect data from the GPU. It supports various command line arguments to customize the displayed information, such as selecting which GPU to monitor, specifying the update interval, or indicating a specific output formatting.

Radeontop is an open-source tool developed as part of the Radeon Open Compute (ROCm) project. It is written in C and uses the libdrm library to interact with the Radeon kernel module.

The tool is quite lightweight and does not require any graphical environment to run. It is commonly used by developers and enthusiasts to monitor GPU performance in real-time, particularly for tasks like debugging, optimization, or stress testing.

Radeontop offers a simple and minimalistic interface, displaying the relevant metrics in a table-like format. Users can easily monitor their GPU's activity and make informed decisions regarding system optimization or resource allocation based on the observed performance data.

List of commands for radeontop:

  • radeontop:tldr:0bf7b radeontop: Enable colored output.
    $ radeontop --color
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  • radeontop:tldr:1ebb2 radeontop: Select a specific GPU (the bus number is the first number in the output of `lspci`).
    $ radeontop --bus ${bus_number}
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  • radeontop:tldr:292dc radeontop: Specify the display refresh rate (higher means more GPU overhead).
    $ radeontop --ticks ${samples_per_second}
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  • radeontop:tldr:94397 radeontop: Show the utilization of the default AMD GPU.
    $ radeontop
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