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List of commands for rails-destroy:

  • rails-destroy:tldr:4a1f0 rails-destroy: Destroy a migration that creates Posts.
    $ rails destroy migration ${CreatePosts}
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  • rails-destroy:tldr:991cd rails-destroy: Destroy a controller named Posts.
    $ rails destroy controller ${Posts}
    try on your machine
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  • rails-destroy:tldr:9b66b rails-destroy: List all available generators to destroy.
    $ rails destroy
    try on your machine
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  • rails-destroy:tldr:a11d8 rails-destroy: Destroy a scaffold for a model named Post.
    $ rails destroy scaffold ${Post}
    try on your machine
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  • rails-destroy:tldr:a994d rails-destroy: Destroy a model named Post.
    $ rails destroy model ${Post}
    try on your machine
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