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rainbowstream: Show your timeline (optional number of tweets to display, default is 5).
$ home [${num_of_last_tweets}]
try on your machine

The command "home [${num_of_last_tweets}]" is not a standard command in most command-line interfaces or programming languages. It seems to be a custom command specific to a certain application or system.

However, based on the context of the command, we can speculate its potential meaning. Here is a possible explanation:

  • "home" could be a keyword or function that takes an argument.
  • "[" and "]" indicate that the argument is optional.
  • "${num_of_last_tweets}" is a placeholder or variable that represents the number of last tweets.

So, this command could be used in a system where "home" is a command to fetch or display a specific number of last tweets. The user can choose to provide an optional argument, "num_of_last_tweets," which determines the number of tweets to retrieve. If no value is provided, the system may have a default behavior for fetching tweets.

However, without more information about the specific system or application being referred to, it is impossible to provide a definitive explanation of the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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