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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool home. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Home is a command line tool that allows users to quickly navigate to their home directory in the command line interface. It is available on Unix-like systems such as Linux and macOS.

By typing the command 'home' in the terminal, the tool instantly takes the user to their home directory, providing a convenient shortcut. This eliminates the need to manually type out the complete path to navigate to the home directory.

Home not only saves time but also simplifies command line interactions, especially for new users who may find navigating through directories challenging.

The tool is particularly useful when working with complex folder structures or nested directories, as it offers a straightforward solution to jump back to the home directory without having to remember the full path.

Home is a lightweight and efficient command line tool without any additional dependencies, making it easy to install and use.

It provides a simple and intuitive way to access the user's home directory, enhancing productivity and ease of use in the command line interface.

The 'home' command is case-insensitive and can be used interchangeably with 'HOME' or 'Home,' allowing flexibility in command usage.

The tool is customizable, providing options for users to personalize its behavior according to their preferences or specific requirements.

Home is a widely favored command line tool among developers, sysadmins, and power users, who frequently work in the terminal and appreciate fast and convenient navigation options.

Overall, the home command simplifies command line navigation, improves workflow efficiency, and contributes to a more user-friendly command line experience.

List of commands for home:

  • rainbowstream:tldr:f878c rainbowstream: Show your timeline (optional number of tweets to display, default is 5).
    $ home [${num_of_last_tweets}]
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tool overview