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rc-update: List all services and the runlevels they are added to.
$ rc-update show
try on your machine

The command "rc-update show" is used to display the current runlevel services and the status of their startup. It is typically used in Unix-based operating systems, such as Linux, that make use of the OpenRC init system.

When you run the "rc-update show" command, it provides a list of services along with their runlevel status. The runlevels represent different stages of the system boot process, and each service can be configured to start at one or more specific runlevels.

The output of the command is divided into columns that provide information about each service, including the service name, its status in each runlevel, and whether it is being managed by the OpenRC init system.

The status of a service in a runlevel is indicated by one of the following symbols:

  • "+": The service is currently enabled and set to start at that runlevel.
  • "-": The service is disabled and will not start at that runlevel.
  • "s": The service is static, meaning it always starts regardless of the runlevel.

By using "rc-update show," you can view the current configuration of services and their runlevel settings. This can be useful when managing system services, troubleshooting startup issues, or making changes to the init system configuration.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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