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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rc-update. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


rc-update is a command line tool primarily used in Gentoo-based Linux systems. It is designed to manage the initialization of system services during the boot process. The tool allows users to add, remove, or modify system services so that they start or stop at different runlevels.

Runlevels are distinct states in the boot process that determine which services are active or inactive. Gentoo uses runlevels to control the startup sequence and manage the services that run during different stages of the boot process.

rc-update offers a simple and easy-to-use interface for managing the runlevels and scheduling services accordingly. It provides options to add services to specific runlevels, remove services from runlevels, or modify the order in which services start or stop.

By using rc-update, administrators have fine-grained control over which services are started or stopped at each runlevel, enabling efficient system initialization and customizing the startup environment to suit their needs.

Furthermore, rc-update works with init scripts, which are small programs responsible for starting, stopping, or restarting services. These scripts are located in the /etc/init.d directory, and rc-update uses them to manage the services in different runlevels.

Overall, rc-update is a powerful command line tool that allows administrators to manage system services and their startup behavior in Gentoo-based Linux systems effectively.

List of commands for rc-update:

  • rc-update:tldr:10dfe rc-update: Add a service to a runlevel.
    $ sudo rc-update add ${service_name} ${runlevel}
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  • rc-update:tldr:6bfa5 rc-update: List all services and the runlevels they are added to.
    $ rc-update show
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  • rc-update:tldr:74665 rc-update: Delete a service from all runlevels.
    $ sudo rc-update --all delete ${service_name}
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  • rc-update:tldr:d530f rc-update: Delete a service from a runlevel.
    $ sudo rc-update delete ${service_name} ${runlevel}
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