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rclone: Delete remote file or directory (use `--dry-run` to test, remove it to actually delete).
$ rclone --dry-run delete ${remote_name}:${filename_or_directory}
try on your machine

The command "rclone --dry-run delete ${remote_name}:${filename_or_directory}" is used to simulate the deletion of a remote file or directory using the rclone tool.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  1. "rclone": This is the actual command that invokes the rclone tool. rclone is a command-line program used for synchronizing files and directories to and from various cloud storage providers.

  2. "--dry-run": This flag is used to perform a dry run, which means that the command will simulate the deletion operation without actually removing any files or directories. It allows you to see what would be deleted without making any actual changes.

  3. "delete": This is the specific rclone operation being performed. It indicates that you want to delete the specified file or directory from the remote storage.

  4. "${remote_name}:${filename_or_directory}": These are placeholders that need to be replaced with actual values when running the command.

    • "${remote_name}" refers to the name of the remote storage location or provider configured in rclone. Examples of remote names could be "Google Drive" or "Amazon S3".

    • "${filename_or_directory}" represents the specific file or directory you want to delete from the remote storage.

By executing this command, rclone will show you a list of all the files and directories that would be deleted if the command was run without the "--dry-run" flag. It gives you an opportunity to review the deletion before making any actual changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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