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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rclone. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Rclone is a versatile command-line tool for managing file transfers and syncing data. It supports various cloud storage providers like Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, and many others.

With rclone, you can perform multiple operations such as copying files, syncing directories, and mounting cloud storage as a local file system. It provides a simple and intuitive interface while offering advanced features for power users.

The tool is written in the Go programming language, which makes it efficient and capable of handling large-scale data transfers. It works on multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Rclone offers encryption functionalities to secure your data during transfers and storage. It supports encryption at rest, allowing you to protect sensitive information. Additionally, it can also perform data deduplication to optimize storage usage and reduce transfer times.

This command-line tool supports automation and scripting through its extensive set of flags and options. It can be easily integrated into scripts, cron jobs, and other automation workflows. Rclone also provides a rich set of command-line controls and reporting capabilities to monitor and manage ongoing transfers.

The tool supports multi-threading, allowing for faster transfers by utilizing multiple connections simultaneously. It also has features like bandwidth throttling and retrying to handle unstable or slow internet connections effectively.

Rclone has an active community of users and developers, which means regular updates, bug fixes, and new features are introduced continuously. The project is open-source, making it possible for anyone to contribute and enhance the tool's functionality.

Overall, rclone is a powerful and reliable command-line tool that simplifies file management, syncing, and transfers across numerous cloud storage platforms. Whether you are a casual user or a system administrator, rclone provides robust features and flexibility to meet your file management needs.

List of commands for rclone:

  • rclone:tldr:34d49 rclone: Move file or directory from local source to remote destination.
    $ rclone move ${filename_or_directory} ${remote_name}:${path-to-directory}
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  • rclone:tldr:9348d rclone: List contents of a directory on an rclone remote.
    $ rclone lsf ${remote_name}:${path-to-directory}
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  • rclone:tldr:93fdf rclone: Delete remote file or directory (use `--dry-run` to test, remove it to actually delete).
    $ rclone --dry-run delete ${remote_name}:${filename_or_directory}
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  • rclone:tldr:a328a rclone: Sync local source to remote destination, changing the destination only.
    $ rclone sync ${filename_or_directory} ${remote_name}:${path-to-directory}
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  • rclone:tldr:b833f rclone: Mount rclone remote (experimental).
    $ rclone mount ${remote_name}:${path-to-directory} ${path-to-mount_point}
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  • rclone:tldr:c8635 rclone: Copy file or directory from local source to remote destination.
    $ rclone copy ${path-to-source_file_or_directory} ${remote_name}:${path-to-destination_directory}
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tool overview