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react-native: Build the current application and start it on a connected Android device or emulator.
$ react-native run-android
try on your machine

The react-native run-android command is used to build and run a React Native application on an Android device or emulator.

When you run this command, it performs several steps sequentially:

  1. It starts by bundling your JavaScript code using react-native bundle. This process creates a production-ready optimized bundle of your app's JavaScript code to improve performance.

  2. It then uses the gradle build system to build the Android project. Gradle is responsible for compiling the Java and native code, resolving dependencies, and packaging the app resources.

  3. Once the build is successful, the app is installed and launched on the connected Android device or emulator. If there is no device connected, it will try to start an emulator if one is available.

Overall, react-native run-android automates the process of building and running your React Native app on Android, saving you from manually configuring each step.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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