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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool react-native. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


React Native is a command line tool that allows developers to build native mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It was developed by Facebook and provides a way to create mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms from a single codebase. With React Native, developers can write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, saving time and effort.

The tool offers a wide range of pre-built components and APIs, making it easier to create interactive and dynamic user interfaces. It also provides hot reloading, which allows developers to see changes in real-time without the need to rebuild the entire application.

React Native leverages the native capabilities of the device, allowing developers to access features like the camera, microphone, and GPS. This makes it possible to build applications that have the look and feel of a native app while providing a seamless user experience.

The command line tool provides various commands to initialize a new project, start the development server, run the app on different devices, and package it for distribution. It also supports integration with popular tools like Redux for state management and TypeScript for static typing.

React Native follows a modular architecture, allowing developers to easily reuse components across different projects. It also has a vibrant community that contributes libraries, tools, and resources, making it easier to extend the functionality of the applications.

The tool integrates with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code and provides debugging capabilities for easier troubleshooting. It also supports testing frameworks like Jest for unit testing and Detox for end-to-end testing.

React Native is continuously evolving, with regular updates and improvements being released. It has gained significant popularity among developers due to its efficiency, flexibility, and the ability to deliver high-quality mobile apps efficiently.

List of commands for react-native:

  • react-native-start:tldr:1476e react-native-start: Start the server in verbose mode.
    $ react-native start --verbose
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  • react-native-start:tldr:7e52b react-native-start: Start the server in a custom port (defaults to 8081).
    $ react-native start --port ${3000}
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  • react-native-start:tldr:8e950 react-native-start: Start the server that communicates with connected devices.
    $ react-native start
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  • react-native-start:tldr:a61ef react-native-start: Disable interactive mode.
    $ react-native start --no-interactive
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  • react-native-start:tldr:c8ab4 react-native-start: Start the metro bundler with a clean cache.
    $ react-native start --reset-cache
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  • react-native-start:tldr:cdd90 react-native-start: Specify the maximum number of workers for transforming files (default is the number of CPU cores).
    $ react-native start --max-workers ${count}
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  • react-native:tldr:62dac react-native: Build the current application and start it on a connected Android device or emulator.
    $ react-native run-android
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  • react-native:tldr:742b9 react-native: Start `tail system.log` for an iOS simulator and print logs to `stdout`.
    $ react-native log-ios
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  • react-native:tldr:76f69 react-native: Start `logkitty` and print logs to `stdout`.
    $ react-native log-android
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  • react-native:tldr:7c4b5 react-native: Initialize a new React Native project in a directory of the same name.
    $ react-native init ${project_name}
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  • react-native:tldr:dd6f9 react-native: Build the current application and start it on an iOS simulator.
    $ react-native run-ios
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  • react-native:tldr:fd890 react-native: Build the current application in `release` mode and start it on a connected Android device or emulator.
    $ react-native run-android --variant=${release}
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tool overview