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react-native: Start `tail system.log` for an iOS simulator and print logs to `stdout`.
$ react-native log-ios
try on your machine

The command "react-native log-ios" is used in a React Native project to display the iOS device logs in the console.

When developing a React Native app and testing it on an iOS device or simulator, you may encounter errors or want to have access to various log messages or information generated by the device. The "react-native log-ios" command allows you to view these logs directly in your terminal or command prompt window.

To use this command, you need to have your iOS device or simulator connected and running, and the React Native app must be already installed and running on the device.

When you run the "react-native log-ios" command, it initiates the logging process and displays a stream of log messages in real-time. These messages can include debugging information, errors, warnings, network requests, or any other relevant information generated by the app or the operating system.

By viewing the device logs, you can get insights into the app's behavior, troubleshoot issues, and identify potential bugs or errors. This helps in the development and debugging process, allowing developers to diagnose and fix issues more efficiently.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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