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react-native: Build the current application and start it on an iOS simulator.
$ react-native run-ios
try on your machine

The command "react-native run-ios" is used to run a React Native app on the iOS Simulator or a connected iOS device.

When you run this command in your terminal or command prompt from the root folder of your React Native project, it will build your React Native app and launch it in the iOS Simulator if it is available. If no iOS Simulator is available, it will prompt you to connect a physical iOS device and then it will install and run the app on that device.

This command automatically performs several tasks for you, including compiling the code, bundling JavaScript files, installing the app on the iOS device or simulator, and launching the app.

It also handles Hot Reloading, which means whenever you make changes to your code, it will automatically update the running app with the new changes without requiring a full re-build or re-launch.

Overall, "react-native run-ios" is a convenient command that simplifies the process of building and running React Native apps on iOS devices or simulators, making it easier for developers to develop and test their apps.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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