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recsel: Use a predicate to match a name and a version.
$ recsel -e "name ~ '${regular_expression}' && version ~ '${regular_expression}'" ${data-rec}
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The command recsel -e "name ~ '${regular_expression}' && version ~ '${regular_expression}'" ${data-rec} is used to select multiple records (rows) from a dataset (data-rec) based on two conditions.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • recsel: This is the name of a program or command-line tool that likely stands for "record selector". It is used to select specific records from a dataset.

  • -e "name ~ '${regular_expression}' && version ~ '${regular_expression}'": This option specifies the expression or conditions that the records must meet in order to be selected. In this case, there are two conditions separated by the logical operator &&.

    • name ~ '${regular_expression}': This condition verifies if the value in the "name" column matches a provided regular expression, specified by the ${regular_expression} placeholder. The ~ symbol indicates a regular expression match.

    • version ~ '${regular_expression}': This condition is similar to the previous one but checks if the value in the "version" column matches the regular expression.

  • ${data-rec}: This is the dataset or file from which the records will be selected. It is likely a placeholder for the actual dataset file name.

In summary, the command selects records from the dataset based on two conditions: the "name" column must match the regular expression ${regular_expression}, and the "version" column must also match the same regular expression.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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