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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool recsel. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Recsel is a command-line tool used for selecting and filtering data from structured text files. It stands for "record selector."

This tool is primarily designed for working with CSV (comma-separated values) files, which are commonly used for storing tabular data.

Recsel allows you to specify filtering conditions using a simple syntax to define rules for data selection. These rules can be based on different fields or columns within the file.

With Recsel, you can select records that match specific criteria, such as equalities, inequalities, or pattern matches. It also supports logical operators like AND, OR, and NOT to create complex filtering conditions.

The tool is lightweight, fast, and efficient, making it suitable for handling large datasets. It processes files line by line, which helps minimize memory usage and improve performance.

Recsel can easily integrate with other command-line tools through pipe and redirect operations. This enables users to combine it with other tools in complex data processing pipelines.

It provides various output options, including displaying selected records, exporting data to a new file, or printing specific columns only. This flexibility allows users to tailor the output to their specific needs.

Recsel supports a range of customization options, like field delimiter selection, header handling, and input/output file management. This makes it adaptable to a wide variety of use cases.

The tool is written in the C programming language, ensuring high performance and portability across different operating systems.

Recsel's simplicity and intuitive syntax make it user-friendly, even for those who are new to the command-line interface or have limited programming knowledge.

Overall, Recsel provides a convenient and efficient way to filter and select data from structured text files using the power of the command line.

List of commands for recsel:

  • recsel:tldr:239b0 recsel: Use "~" to match a string with a given regular expression.
    $ recsel -e "${field_name} ~ '${regular_expression}' ${data-rec}"
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  • recsel:tldr:4ca27 recsel: Use a predicate to match a name and a version.
    $ recsel -e "name ~ '${regular_expression}' && version ~ '${regular_expression}'" ${data-rec}
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  • recsel:tldr:b7189 recsel: Extract name and version field.
    $ recsel -p name,version ${data-rec}
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tool overview