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recsel: Extract name and version field.
$ recsel -p name,version ${data-rec}
try on your machine

The command "recsel -p name,version ${data-rec}" is a command line instruction with the following components:

  1. "recsel": It is the name of a command or program that performs record selection or manipulation operations on a specific dataset.

  2. "-p": It is an option or flag provided to the "recsel" command, indicating that we want to print or display specific fields or columns from the dataset.

  3. "name,version": This is a comma-separated list of field names (or column names) within the dataset that we want to display. In this case, we are selecting the "name" and "version" fields/columns.

  4. "${data-rec}": This is a placeholder or variable reference (in Unix/Linux shell syntax) that is used to represent the input dataset or file on which we want to perform the record selection. The "${data-rec}" refers to the value of the variable or file named "data-rec" that contains the dataset.

So, altogether, this command is asking the "recsel" command to select and display the "name" and "version" fields or columns from the dataset stored in the variable or file "data-rec". The specific effect or outcome of this command would depend on the functionality and capabilities of the "recsel" program and the content of the dataset in "data-rec".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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