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reg-add: Add a new value under a specific key.
$ reg add ${key_name} /v ${value}
try on your machine

This command adds a new registry key and its associated value in the Windows Registry.

  • "reg" is the command-line tool used to manage registry entries in Windows.
  • "add" specifies that we want to add a new registry key or value.
  • "${key_name}" refers to the name of the registry key where the value will be added. In the command, "${key_name}" should be replaced with the actual name of the key.
  • "/v" stands for the value name. It specifies that we are adding a new value to the registry key.
  • "${value}" represents the actual data or value that we want to store in the registry. In the command, "${value}" should be replaced with the desired data for the value.

In summary, the "reg add" command allows you to add new registry entries in Windows, specifically a key and its associated value.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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