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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool reg. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "reg" command line tool is a utility in Windows operating systems used to interact with the Registry. The Registry stores configuration settings, user preferences, and other system-related information. With the "reg" command, you can create, modify, delete, and query registry keys and values. This tool is primarily used by advanced users, system administrators, and support personnel for troubleshooting, configuring, and scripting tasks. The "reg" command offers a variety of subcommands, such as "add," "delete," "export," "query," and "import," each serving a specific purpose within the Registry. The tool allows you to automate repetitive tasks and manage the registry efficiently through scripts or batch files. Proper usage and caution are advised when using the "reg" command, as any incorrect modifications to the Registry can potentially cause system instability or even render the system inoperable.

List of commands for reg:

  • reg-add:tldr:3cb58 reg-add: Forcefully overwrite the existing registry value without a prompt.
    $ reg add ${key_name} /f
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  • reg-add:tldr:b16f3 reg-add: Add a new value under a specific key.
    $ reg add ${key_name} /v ${value}
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  • reg-add:tldr:c5a5c reg-add: Add a new registry key.
    $ reg add ${key_name}
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  • reg-add:tldr:cddac reg-add: Add a new value with specific data.
    $ reg add ${key_name} /d ${data}
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  • reg-add:tldr:d01a2 reg-add: Add a new value to a key with a specific data type.
    $ reg add ${key_name} /t ${type}
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  • reg-compare:tldr:0f78a reg-compare: Compare all values under a specific key with a second key.
    $ reg compare ${first_key_name} ${second_key_name}
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  • reg-compare:tldr:220ff reg-compare: Only output the matches between the specified keys.
    $ reg compare ${first_key_name} ${second_key_name} /os
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  • reg-compare:tldr:bb351 reg-compare: Compare all sub keys and values for two keys.
    $ reg compare ${first_key_name} ${second_key_name} /s
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  • reg-compare:tldr:e2986 reg-compare: Compare a specific value under two keys.
    $ reg compare ${first_key_name} ${second_key_name} /v ${value}
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  • reg-compare:tldr:e6dcf reg-compare: Output the differences and matches between the specified keys.
    $ reg compare ${first_key_name} ${second_key_name} /oa
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  • reg-copy:tldr:0985c reg-copy: Forcefully copy a registry key without a prompt.
    $ reg copy ${old_key_name} ${new_key_name} /f
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  • reg-copy:tldr:0f7f9 reg-copy: Copy a registry key recursively to a new registry location.
    $ reg copy ${old_key_name} ${new_key_name} /s
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  • reg-copy:tldr:46d43 reg-copy: Copy a registry key to a new registry location.
    $ reg copy ${old_key_name} ${new_key_name}
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  • reg-delete:tldr:41e85 reg-delete: Forcefully delete all values recursively under a key without a prompt.
    $ reg delete ${key_name} /f /va
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  • reg-delete:tldr:76792 reg-delete: Delete all values recursively under the specified key.
    $ reg delete ${key_name} /va
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  • reg-delete:tldr:9ee4b reg-delete: Delete a specific registry key.
    $ reg delete ${key_name}
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  • reg-delete:tldr:f55c0 reg-delete: Delete a value under a specific key.
    $ reg delete ${key_name} /v ${value}
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  • reg-export:tldr:c9738 reg-export: Export all sub keys and values of a specific key.
    $ reg export ${key_name} ${path\to\file-reg}
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  • reg-export:tldr:cb407 reg-export: Force overwriting of an existing file without prompt.
    $ reg export ${key_name} ${path\to\file-reg} /y
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  • reg-flags:tldr:3d5e0 reg-flags: Set specified space-separated flags, and unset unmentioned flags, for a specific key.
    $ reg flags ${key_name} set ${flag_names}
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  • reg-flags:tldr:4e4bf reg-flags: Set specified flags for a specific key and its sub keys.
    $ reg flags ${key_name} set ${flag_names} /s
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  • reg-flags:tldr:6b6be reg-flags: Display help and available flag types.
    $ reg flags /?
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  • reg-flags:tldr:acc72 reg-flags: Display current flags for a specific key.
    $ reg flags ${key_name} query
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  • reg-import:tldr:66f34 reg-import: Import all keys, subkeys and values from a file.
    $ reg import ${path\to\file-reg}
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  • reg-load:tldr:2fc6a reg-load: Load a backup file into the specified key.
    $ reg load ${key_name} ${path\to\file}
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  • reg-query:tldr:7d404 reg-query: Display all values of a key and its sub keys.
    $ reg query ${key_name} /s
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  • reg-query:tldr:7ee2e reg-query: Search for keys and values matching a specific pattern.
    $ reg query ${key_name} /f "${query_pattern}"
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  • reg-query:tldr:aaa57 reg-query: Display a value of a key matching a specified data type.
    $ reg query ${key_name} /t ${type}
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  • reg-query:tldr:b8dc0 reg-query: Display a specific value of a key.
    $ reg query ${key_name} /v ${value}
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  • reg-query:tldr:bfd87 reg-query: Display all values of a key.
    $ reg query ${key_name}
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  • reg-restore:tldr:cf546 reg-restore: Overwrite a specified key with data from a backup file.
    $ reg restore ${key_name} ${path\to\file}
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  • reg-save:tldr:6c523 reg-save: Save a registry key, its sub keys and values to a specific file.
    $ reg save ${key_name} ${path\to\file}
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  • reg-save:tldr:a8dbc reg-save: Forcefully overwrite an existing file without a prompt.
    $ reg save ${key_name} ${path\to\file} /y
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  • reg:tldr:03735 reg: Display general information and list all available commands.
    $ reg /?
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  • reg:tldr:41f63 reg: Call help on a specific command.
    $ reg ${command} /?
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  • reg:tldr:ad920 reg: Execute registry commands.
    $ reg ${command}
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