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reg: Display general information and list all available commands.
$ reg /?
try on your machine

The "reg /?" command is designed to provide help and information about the "reg" command in Windows operating systems. By running this command in the Command Prompt or the Run dialog box, you can obtain details and usage instructions related to the "reg" command, which is primarily used to manage the Windows Registry.

The Windows Registry is a hierarchical database that contains essential configuration settings, user preferences, and system information for Windows. It stores information about hardware devices, software programs, user accounts, network settings, and much more.

When you enter "reg /?" and press Enter, a Command Prompt window will display a help message that provides a brief overview of the "reg" command, its syntax, and various options that can be used with it. This help message typically includes details about different subcommands, such as "query", "add", "delete", "export", "import", and "copy", among others.

By leveraging the information presented in the help message, you can learn how to use the "reg" command to perform tasks such as viewing registry keys and values, modifying registry entries, exporting or importing registry data, and managing registry permissions.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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