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repo-add: Add all package binaries in the current directory without showing color.
$ repo-add --nocolor ${path-to-database-db-tar-gz} ${*-pkg-tar-zst}
try on your machine

The command "repo-add --nocolor ${path-to-database-db-tar-gz} ${*-pkg-tar-zst}" is used to add one or more package files to an Arch Linux package database.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "repo-add" is the name of the command-line utility used to manage Arch Linux repositories.
  • "--nocolor" is an optional flag that disables colorized output from the command, making the output plain text without any color formatting.
  • "${path-to-database-db-tar-gz}" is the path to the package database file (usually named "database.db.tar.gz"). This file contains information about the packages in the repository.
  • "${*-pkg-tar-zst}" is a wildcard that represents multiple package files (with the extension ".pkg.tar.zst") to be added to the database. The wildcard allows you to specify multiple packages at once. The packages will be added to the repository and included in the package database.

In summary, this command adds one or more package files to an Arch Linux package database, updating the repository with the new packages.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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