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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool repo-add. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Repo-add is a command line tool commonly used in Linux distributions, specifically in the Arch Linux ecosystem. It is a utility that enables the creation or modification of package repositories. With repo-add, Linux users can manage and update their package repositories effortlessly.

The tool allows users to add or remove packages from existing repositories, making it easier to organize and maintain their software collections. It also facilitates the creation of new repositories from scratch, which can be useful for creating custom repositories or building personal package collections.

Repo-add utilizes a database file format called ".db.tar.gz", which stores metadata information about the packages within a repository. This file can be easily generated or updated using the tool, ensuring that the repository remains up-to-date.

Furthermore, repo-add helps in verifying the integrity of package repositories by calculating checksums for the included packages. This enables users to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the packages they are installing or distributing.

Overall, repo-add is an essential command line tool in the Arch Linux ecosystem that simplifies the management, creation, modification, and verification of package repositories, making it an indispensable tool for Linux users.

List of commands for repo-add:

  • repo-add:tldr:7ffa9 repo-add: Add all package binaries in the current directory without showing color.
    $ repo-add --nocolor ${path-to-database-db-tar-gz} ${*-pkg-tar-zst}
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  • repo-add:tldr:d26f4 repo-add: Add all package binaries in the current directory and remove the old database file.
    $ repo-add --remove ${path-to-database-db-tar-gz} ${*-pkg-tar-zst}
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  • repo-add:tldr:e2f3b repo-add: Add all package binaries in the current directory in silent mode except for warning and error messages.
    $ repo-add --quiet ${path-to-database-db-tar-gz} ${*-pkg-tar-zst}
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