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repo-add: Add all package binaries in the current directory and remove the old database file.
$ repo-add --remove ${path-to-database-db-tar-gz} ${*-pkg-tar-zst}
try on your machine

This command is using the repo-add utility to manage a package database. Let's break down the command:

  • repo-add: This is the name of the utility that is being executed.
  • --remove: This flag tells repo-add to remove the old entries for the packages being added to the database. Without this flag, the old entries would be kept, resulting in duplicate entries.
  • ${path-to-database-db-tar-gz}: This is the path to the package database file (usually with a .db.tar.gz extension). It is the location where the new package entries will be added.
  • ${*-pkg-tar-zst}: This is a wildcard that represents multiple package files (usually with a .pkg.tar.zst extension). The *-pkg-tar-zst expression allows multiple packages to be added to the database at once.

In summary, this command removes the old entries from the package database specified by ${path-to-database-db-tar-gz} and adds new package entries represented by ${*-pkg-tar-zst}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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