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repren: Do a find-and-replace on the contents of a directory of CSV files.
$ repren --from '${([0-9]+) example_string}' --to '${replacement_string \1}' ${*-csv}
try on your machine

The command you provided is not a standard command and appears to be a custom command or script. Without knowing the context or purpose of the command, I can provide a general interpretation:

repren: It could be the name of a custom command or script being executed.

--from '${([0-9]+) example_string}': This flag indicates the starting pattern to be replaced. It uses regular expression syntax to capture a numeric value (represented by [0-9]+) followed by the string "example_string" enclosed in single quotes.

--to '${replacement_string \1}': This flag represents the replacement pattern. It substitutes the captured numeric value (\1) into the string "replacement_string" enclosed in single quotes.

${-csv}: This is a variable denoted by the "$" symbol followed by "", which typically represents all the arguments passed to the command or script. "-csv" is appended to it, suggesting that the command or script expects input files with a .csv extension.

Overall, this command seems to perform text replacement using regular expressions on a series of input files with the .csv extension. The specific patterns and replacements depend on the values specified in the "--from" and "--to" flags, as well as the arguments passed to the command or script.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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