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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool repren. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Repren is a powerful and versatile command line tool used for string replacement in files. It is designed to simplify the process of finding and replacing text within multiple files or directories.

With Repren, you can specify the target files or directories, the text pattern you want to search for, and the replacement string. It supports regular expressions, which allows for complex and flexible pattern matching.

This tool offers several options to control the replacement process, such as case sensitivity, recursive search, confirmation prompts, and dry-run mode, which previews the changes without actually modifying the files.

Repren provides extensive error handling, displaying helpful messages when there are file permission issues or search patterns are not found. It supports various file formats, including plain text files, programming source code, HTML, XML, and more.

One of Repren's notable features is its ability to perform simultaneous replacements on multiple files, making it a time-efficient solution for large-scale text replacements. It also preserves file permissions and timestamps to maintain file integrity.

The command line interface of Repren is simple and intuitive, allowing users to run it with just a single line of command, specifying the desired options. It is widely available for different operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

The regular expression support in Repren makes it efficient for complex replacements, including capturing groups and backreferences. It can handle both single-line and multi-line text patterns.

Repren supports various output formats, such as plain text, CSV, and JSON, allowing users to capture and analyze the results of the replacement process.

This tool offers extensive documentation and examples, making it easy for users to understand and utilize its capabilities. It is actively maintained and has a supportive community, ensuring ongoing development and bug fixes.

Overall, Repren is a powerful and flexible command line tool for string replacement, providing efficient and reliable solutions for finding and replacing text in multiple files or directories.

List of commands for repren:

  • repren:tldr:0c74e repren: Do both a find-and-replace and a rename operation at the same time, using a pattern file.
    $ repren --patterns ${path-to-patfile-ext} --full ${*-txt}
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  • repren:tldr:62ebc repren: Do a find-and-replace on the contents of a directory of CSV files.
    $ repren --from '${([0-9]+) example_string}' --to '${replacement_string \1}' ${*-csv}
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  • repren:tldr:85e27 repren: Do a dry-run renaming a directory of JPEGs with a regular expression.
    $ repren --rename --dry-run --from '${regular_expression}' --to '${replacement_string}' ${*-jpg} ${*-jpeg}
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  • repren:tldr:b938e repren: Do a case-insensitive rename.
    $ repren --rename --insensitive --patterns ${path-to-patfile-ext} *
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  • repren:tldr:ce8da repren: Do a dry-run renaming a directory of PNGs with a literal string replacement.
    $ repren --dry-run --rename --literal --from '${find_string}' --to '${replacement_string}' ${*-png}
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