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repren: Do a dry-run renaming a directory of JPEGs with a regular expression.
$ repren --rename --dry-run --from '${regular_expression}' --to '${replacement_string}' ${*-jpg} ${*-jpeg}
try on your machine

The command 'repren' is used to rename files in a directory based on a specified regular expression pattern. Let's break down the options and arguments used in this particular command:

  • '--rename': This option specifies that the command is used for renaming files.
  • '--dry-run': This option performs a trial run where no actual renaming takes place. It shows the potential changes that would be made if executed without the '--dry-run' option.
  • '--from': This option is used to specify the regular expression pattern to match in the filenames.
  • '${regular_expression}': This placeholder should be replaced with an actual regular expression pattern you want to match in the filenames.
  • '--to': This option specifies the replacement string that should be used for renaming the matching files.
  • '${replacement_string}': This placeholder should be replaced with the desired replacement string for renaming the files.
  • '${-jpg} ${-jpeg}': These are wildcard patterns used to match the files ending with '.jpg' or '.jpeg' extension. '${*}' represents any characters preceding the provided extension.

Combining all the options and arguments, the command will perform a dry run for renaming any files in the current directory that match the provided regular expression pattern, replacing it with the specified replacement string. The files matching the '.jpg' and '.jpeg' extensions will be considered for renaming.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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