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repren: Do a dry-run renaming a directory of PNGs with a literal string replacement.
$ repren --dry-run --rename --literal --from '${find_string}' --to '${replacement_string}' ${*-png}
try on your machine

This command is running the "repren" command with several options and arguments. Here's what each part does:

  • repren: This is the main command being executed.


  • --dry-run: This option is used to simulate the execution without actually making any changes. It allows you to see what changes would be made if the command were run without this option.
  • --rename: This option tells the command to perform a renaming operation.
  • --literal: This option indicates that the search and replacement strings provided should be treated as literal strings, without any special interpretation of characters.


  • --from '${find_string}': This specifies the string to be searched for and replaced. The ${find_string} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual string you want to find.
  • --to '${replacement_string}': This specifies the replacement string that will replace the found string. The ${replacement_string} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual string you want to use as the replacement.
  • ${*-png}: This specifies the files or directories on which the renaming operation should be performed. ${*} represents all the arguments passed to the command, and -png is a filter that restricts the operation to files with a ".png" extension.

So, overall, this command is simulating a renaming operation on files with a ".png" extension. It takes a find string and a replacement string as inputs, and with the --dry-run option, it shows what changes would be made without actually modifying any files.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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