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List of commands for rg:

  • rg:tldr:205de rg: Search for filenames that match a regular expression.
    $ rg --files | rg ${regular_expression}
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  • rg:tldr:3514c rg: Search for regular expressions recursively in the current directory, including hidden files and files listed in `.gitignore`.
    $ rg --no-ignore --hidden ${regular_expression}
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  • rg:tldr:37f82 rg: Only list matched files (useful when piping to other commands).
    $ rg --files-with-matches ${regular_expression}
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  • rg:tldr:55b1b rg: Search for a regular expression in files matching a glob (e.g. `README.*`).
    $ rg ${regular_expression} --glob ${glob}
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  • rg:tldr:842e5 rg: Search for a regular expression only in a subset of directories.
    $ rg ${regular_expression} ${set_of_subdirs}
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  • rg:tldr:a3c42 rg: Show lines that do not match the given regular expression.
    $ rg --invert-match ${regular_expression}
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  • rg:tldr:e9493 rg: Recursively search the current directory for a regular expression.
    $ rg ${regular_expression}
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