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rga: List available adapters.
$ rga --rga-list-adapters
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The command "rga --rga-list-adapters" is related to the 'rga' (Radeon GPU Analyzer) tool.

The 'rga' tool is a command-line utility primarily used for analyzing AMD Radeon GPU performance. It provides information about GPU performance counters, shader instructions, and various metrics related to GPU performance analysis.

The "--rga-list-adapters" option in the command instructs the 'rga' tool to list all the available GPU adapters on the system. It retrieves information about the GPUs installed in the system, including their respective names or IDs. This can be useful when dealing with multiple GPUs or when you need to target a specific GPU for analysis or performance optimization purposes.

By running this command, you will receive a list of GPU adapters that are accessible through the 'rga' tool, giving you a better understanding of the available GPU resources for analysis.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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