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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rga. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


rga (ripgrep-all) is a command-line tool designed as a combination of rg (ripgrep) and ag (the_silver_searcher), providing advanced searching functionality in a wide range of file formats. It is built on top of Rust's ripgrep library for enhanced search speed and efficiency.

With rga, users can search for specific patterns within files, directories, or even recursively in an entire file system. It supports various search options such as case-insensitive searching, regex pattern matching, and filtering files by extension or glob patterns.

rga also offers powerful features like highlighting search matches, displaying line numbers, and skipping binary files by default. It can be used to search specific files, directories, archives (such as ZIP, TAR, etc.), and even compressed files (like gzip or bzip).

The tool provides additional flexibility with options to include/exclude specific file types, show contextual lines around matches, and support for advanced regex syntax. Users can output search results in multiple formats, including line numbers, file names, and customizable color schemes.

rga supports several useful workflows, including searching within source code repositories, analyzing log files, finding specific text patterns in a directory, and more. It is highly extensible, with support for many plugins and integrations, making it a versatile tool for developers, sysadmins, and power users.

The performance of rga is optimized for efficient searching, even in large-scale projects or environments with vast amounts of data. It also benefits from parallel and multi-threaded search capabilities, ensuring speedy results and high productivity.

Overall, rga is a highly versatile and efficient command-line tool that provides advanced search capabilities across multiple file formats, aiding users in quickly finding and analyzing specific patterns within their files and directories.

List of commands for rga:

  • rga:tldr:21ca2 rga: Search recursively for a pattern in all files in the current directory.
    $ rga ${regular_expression}
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  • rga:tldr:30245 rga: Display detailed help.
    $ rga --help
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  • rga:tldr:3b759 rga: List available adapters.
    $ rga --rga-list-adapters
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  • rga:tldr:70d04 rga: Change which adapters to use (e.g. ffmpeg, pandoc, poppler etc.).
    $ rga --rga-adapters=${adapter1,adapter2} ${regular_expression}
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  • rga:tldr:ea06b rga: Search for a pattern using the mime type instead of the file extension (slower).
    $ rga --rga-accurate ${regular_expression}
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