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rga: Search for a pattern using the mime type instead of the file extension (slower).
$ rga --rga-accurate ${regular_expression}
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The command "rga --rga-accurate ${regular_expression}" is using the rga (ripgrep-all) tool with the "rga-accurate" option to search for a specific pattern defined by the regular expression (${regular_expression}) across files in a directory.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "rga": This is the command used to invoke the rga tool. rga is a version of ripgrep that extends its functionality to search not only through text but also through other file formats like PDF, DOCX, and others.

  • "--rga-accurate": This is an option specific to rga that ensures accurate search results. It slows down the search process but can produce more precise matches, especially when dealing with text extraction from non-text files like PDFs.

  • "${regular_expression}": This is a placeholder for the regular expression (regex) that defines the pattern you want to search for. You would replace "${regular_expression}" with an actual regex pattern, like "\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}" to search for phone numbers in the files.

By running the command, the rga tool will search through the files in the current directory (or a specified directory) for the pattern defined by the regular expression. The results will include the matches found, along with the file names and line numbers where the matches occurred.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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