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roave-backward-compatibility-check: Check for breaking changes since the last tag.
$ roave-backward-compatibility-check
try on your machine

The roave-backward-compatibility-check command is a tool used in PHP development to check for backward compatibility issues in a codebase. It is typically used during the process of upgrading a PHP library or application.

Backward compatibility refers to the ability of new versions of software to work correctly with existing code and dependencies from previous versions without requiring major modifications or breaking existing functionality.

The roave-backward-compatibility-check command, specifically provided by the Roave Backward Compatibility Checker ( tool, helps developers identify potential backward compatibility breaks that may occur when updating their codebase.

When executed, the command compares two versions of a PHP library or application, usually the old version and the new version, and scans for changes that could potentially cause issues with older code. It performs various analyses on the code, including checking for removed classes, methods, or properties, changes in method signatures, and deprecations.

The output of the command typically includes a report highlighting any backward compatibility issues found, including detailed information about the changes that may cause problems. This information can help developers identify the areas that need attention and assist them in making the necessary updates or modifications to ensure backward compatibility.

By running the roave-backward-compatibility-check command, developers can proactively detect issues that might arise during an upgrade and address them before deploying the new version. This helps maintain the stability and reliability of the software while minimizing the risk of breaking existing functionality for users or other developers who depend on the codebase.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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