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roave-backward-compatibility-check: Check for breaking changes between the last tag and a specific reference.
$ roave-backward-compatibility-check --to=${git_reference}
try on your machine

The command "roave-backward-compatibility-check --to=${git_reference}" is typically used in PHP projects to check for backward compatibility issues when updating or migrating to a new version. Here is an explanation of its key components:

  1. "roave-backward-compatibility-check": This is the name of the command that you want to execute. It refers to the Roave Backward Compatibility Check tool, which is a popular PHP tool for checking backward compatibility issues.

  2. "--to=${git_reference}": This is an argument passed to the command. "--to" is an option/flag indicating that you want to check backward compatibility up to a specific point. "${git_reference}" is a placeholder for the specific Git reference, such as a commit hash, branch, or tag, that you want to specify as the reference point for the compatibility check. It is usually used to represent the target version or the version you want to compare against for backward compatibility issues.

By executing this command, the Roave Backward Compatibility Check tool will analyze your PHP codebase and compare it with the specified Git reference. It will identify any backward compatibility issues, such as deprecated functions, removed classes, or changes to existing functions, that may occur when updating or migrating your project to the specified reference point.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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