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rpmbuild: Specify additional variables when building a package.
$ rpmbuild -bb ${path-to-spec_file} --define "${variable1} ${value1}" --define "${variable2} ${value2}"
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The command rpmbuild -bb ${path-to-spec_file} --define "${variable1} ${value1}" --define "${variable2} ${value2}" is used to build an RPM package using the rpmbuild tool.

Here's an explanation of each component of the command:

  • rpmbuild: It is a command-line tool for building RPM packages on Linux.
  • -bb: It is an option for rpmbuild and stands for "build binary". It specifies that the RPM package should be built as a binary package.
  • ${path-to-spec_file}: It is a placeholder representing the path to the .spec file. The .spec file contains information about the package, such as its name, version, dependencies, and build instructions.
  • --define: It is an option for rpmbuild used to define macros or variables during the RPM build process.
  • "${variable1} ${value1}" --define "${variable2} ${value2}": These are the --define options followed by the macros or variables and their corresponding values. You can define multiple macros by using multiple --define options.

By using --define, you can set values for macros or variables that are defined and used within the .spec file during the RPM build process. These macros can be referenced in the .spec file using the %{macro_name} syntax.

When you run the command, rpmbuild will read the .spec file at the specified path and build the RPM package according to the instructions and definitions provided in the file. The defined variables will be available within the build process, allowing customization and flexibility during the packaging process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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