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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rpmbuild. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


rpmbuild is a command line tool used in Linux systems to build RPM packages. RPM (Red Hat Package Manager) is a package management system commonly used in distributions like Red Hat, Fedora, and CentOS.

With rpmbuild, developers can create their own RPM packages or rebuild existing ones from source code. It is primarily used for software distribution and installation on RPM-based systems.

rpmbuild has several command line options to customize the behavior of the package creation process. It allows developers to specify package metadata, such as name, version, release, dependencies, and files to include. Additionally, it supports pre- and post-installation scripts for customization during package installation or removal.

rpmbuild follows a specific directory structure convention called RPM Buildroot, which separates the source code, build process, and installation files into distinct directories. It automates the build process by running compilation, linking, and installation steps in a controlled environment.

By utilizing rpmbuild, developers can easily create RPM packages that can be distributed and installed on various RPM-based systems. It provides a standardized and efficient way to package software, ensuring consistent installation and compatibility across different distributions.

List of commands for rpmbuild:

  • rpmbuild:tldr:25ba1 rpmbuild: Build a binary package without source package.
    $ rpmbuild -bb ${path-to-spec_file}
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  • rpmbuild:tldr:3a68f rpmbuild: Specify additional variables when building a package.
    $ rpmbuild -bb ${path-to-spec_file} --define "${variable1} ${value1}" --define "${variable2} ${value2}"
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  • rpmbuild:tldr:54671 rpmbuild: Build binary and source packages.
    $ rpmbuild -ba ${path-to-spec_file}
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