List of commands for rspec:
rspec:tldr:8ed83 rspec: Initialize an .rspec config and a spec helper file.$ rspec --inittry on your machineexplain this command
rspec:tldr:af86c rspec: Run a specific test in a file (e.g. the test starts on line 83).$ rspec ${filename}:${83}try on your machineexplain this command
rspec:tldr:c72b1 rspec: Run specs with a specific seed.$ rspec --seed ${seed_number}try on your machineexplain this command
rspec:tldr:dc5d6 rspec: Run multiple test files.$ rspec ${filename1} ${filename2}try on your machineexplain this command
rspec:tldr:dedc3 rspec: Run a specific directory of tests.$ rspec ${path-to-directory}try on your machineexplain this command