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rsstail: Set update interval.
$ rsstail -u ${url} -i ${interval_in_seconds}
try on your machine

This command is using the "rsstail" program to monitor an RSS feed for updates at a specific interval. Here's a breakdown of the options and variables used in the command:

  • "rsstail" is a program that can be used to monitor and display RSS feed updates in real-time.
  • "-u ${url}" specifies the URL of the RSS feed that you want to monitor. The "${url}" is a placeholder for the actual URL that you need to provide.
  • "-i ${interval_in_seconds}" sets the interval at which rsstail checks for updates in the RSS feed. The "${interval_in_seconds}" is a placeholder for the desired interval time value, specified in seconds.

So, by replacing the placeholders with actual values, you can use this command to monitor a specific RSS feed for updates at a given interval.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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