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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rsstail. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


RSSTail is a command-line tool used for monitoring and tailing RSS feeds in real-time. It allows users to stay updated with the latest content published on websites that provide RSS feeds.

  1. RSSTail is designed to be lightweight and efficient, consuming minimal system resources.
  2. It supports multiple RSS formats and versions, including RSS 0.91, 1.0, 2.0, and Atom.
  3. The tool is compatible with Unix-like operating systems, such as Linux and macOS.
  4. With RSSTail, users can monitor multiple RSS feeds simultaneously, making it useful for tracking several sources of information.
  5. It provides a customizable output format, allowing users to define how they want the feed items to be displayed.
  6. RSSTail enables users to filter feed items based on keywords, ensuring they only receive updates relevant to their interests.
  7. The tool supports SSL/TLS encryption for secure communication with RSS feed URLs.
  8. It provides efficient memory and CPU usage, making it suitable for running in the background or as a part of other automated processes.
  9. RSSTail supports color-coded output, making it easy to distinguish between different feed items.
  10. The tool can be used for various purposes, such as monitoring news feeds, tracking software updates, or fetching updates from blogs or podcasts.

List of commands for rsstail:

  • rsstail:tldr:2d050 rsstail: Show the feed in reverse chronological order (newer at the bottom).
    $ rsstail -r -u ${url}
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  • rsstail:tldr:4e276 rsstail: Show the feed of a given URL and wait for new entries appearing at the bottom.
    $ rsstail -u ${url}
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  • rsstail:tldr:5c145 rsstail: Set update interval.
    $ rsstail -u ${url} -i ${interval_in_seconds}
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  • rsstail:tldr:bbef1 rsstail: Include publication date and link.
    $ rsstail -pl -u ${url}
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  • rsstail:tldr:dd04c rsstail: Show feed and exit.
    $ rsstail -1 -u ${url}
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