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List of commands for rsync:

  • files:copy:verbose Copy folder recursive and show copy speed
    $ rsync -av --progress ${source-folder} ${destination-folder}
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  • rsync:ai:01c5d Copy a file and show progress using rsync command
    $ rsync -ah --info=progress2 source_file destination_file
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  • rsync:ai:0e68b rsync exclude hidden files and directories
    $ rsync -av --exclude='.*' source_folder/ destination_folder/
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  • rsync:ai:3e130 rsync remote server
    $ rsync -avz -e 'ssh' username@remote_server:/remote_path /local_path
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  • rsync:ai:66e4e rsync exclude directory named dir
    $ rsync -av --exclude='dir' /source/path/ /destination/path/
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  • rsync:ai:730c2 Exclude files from syncing that have names starting with 'ripr'
    $ rsync -av --exclude='ripr*' source_${directory} destination_${directory}
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  • rsync:ai:88f29 rsync show progress
    $ rsync -av --progress source_${directory} destination_${directory}
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  • rsync:ai:8a399 rsync exclude directory
    $ rsync -av --exclude='${directory}' source_dir/ destination_dir/
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  • rsync:ai:a30ef If directory not empty rsync
    $ rsync -r --delete source_${directory} destination_directory
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  • rsync:ai:a3e38 rsync exclude hidden files and directories recursively
    $ rsync -av --exclude='.*' source/ destination/
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  • rsync:ai:f0ac2 rsync exclude folders which name starts with "ripr"
    $ rsync -av --exclude 'ripr*/' source_${directory} target_${directory}
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  • rsync:ai:f4e6d rsync exclude file named dir
    $ rsync -av --exclude='dir' source/ destination/
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  • rsync:directory:remote-to-local Transfer a directory and all its contents from a remote host to local.
    $ rsync -r ${remote_host}:${path-to-remote_directory} ${path-to-local_directory}
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  • rsync:file:local-to-remote Transfer a file from local to a remote host.
    $ rsync ${path-to-local_file} ${remote_host}:${path-to-remote_directory}
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  • rsync:file:remote-to-local:with-deletion Transfer a file over SSH and delete remote files that do not exist locally.
    $ rsync -e ssh --delete ${remote_host}:${path-to-remote_file} ${path-to-local_file}
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  • rsync:tldr:2f175 rsync: Transfer directory contents (but not the directory itself) from a remote host to local.
    $ rsync -r ${remote_host}:${path-to-remote_directory}/ ${path-to-local_directory}
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  • rsync:tldr:6aad5 rsync: Transfer a file in [a]rchive (to preserve attributes) and compressed ([z]ipped) mode displaying [v]erbose and [h]uman-readable [P]rogress.
    $ rsync -azvhP ${path-to-local_file} ${remote_host}:${path-to-remote_directory}
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  • rsync:tldr:70bbd rsync: Transfer a file over SSH using a different port than the default and show global progress.
    $ rsync -e 'ssh -p ${port}' --info=progress2 ${remote_host}:${path-to-remote_file} ${path-to-local_file}
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  • rsync:tldr:c4191 rsync: Transfer a directory [r]ecursively, in [a]rchive (to preserve attributes), resolving contained sym[L]inks, and ignoring already transferred files [u]nless newer.
    $ rsync -rauL ${remote_host}:${path-to-remote_directory} ${path-to-local_directory}
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