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rtcwake: Show whether an alarm is set or not.
$ sudo rtcwake -m show -v
try on your machine

The command "sudo rtcwake -m show -v" is used to display the available sleep modes supported by the system's real-time clock (RTC) and show the verbose output. Here is a breakdown of each element in the command: - "sudo" is a command that allows a user with administrative privileges (usually the superuser/root) to execute a command as another user (commonly used to run commands with elevated privileges). - "rtcwake" is a command-line utility used to configure the RTC alarm and initiate system suspend or hibernation, allowing the system to automatically wake up after a specific time or at a specified time. - "-m show" is an option that specifies the action to display the available sleep modes supported by the RTC. - "-v" is a flag that enables verbose output. When used with the rtcwake command, it provides additional information in the output, such as the sleep mode status, alarm time, and other details. By running the "sudo rtcwake -m show -v" command, you can view the sleep modes supported by your system's RTC and get detailed information about them.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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