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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool rtcwake. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


rtcwake is a command-line tool available in Linux-based systems that provides a convenient way to schedule wake-up events and suspend or hibernate the system accordingly. The tool is used to schedule system wake-ups, helping users save power consumption and automate tasks. It stands for "RTC (Real-Time Clock) Wake," as it utilizes the real-time clock to trigger wake-up events. rtcwake allows you to specify a specific time or a relative duration for the system to wake up. It supports various power states like standby, mem (suspend to RAM), disk (suspend to disk), and off (power off). rtcwake can be used for tasks such as automatically booting up a system at a specific time, initiating system backup and maintenance tasks, and triggering scheduled events. It provides a flexible and efficient way to manage power and automate processes on Linux systems.

List of commands for rtcwake:

  • rtcwake:tldr:236b9 rtcwake: Suspend to RAM and wakeup after 10 seconds.
    $ sudo rtcwake -m mem -s ${10}
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  • rtcwake:tldr:c696c rtcwake: Suspend to disk (higher power saving) and wakeup 15 minutes later.
    $ sudo rtcwake -m disk --date +${15}min
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  • rtcwake:tldr:ca2de rtcwake: Disable a previously set alarm.
    $ sudo rtcwake -m disable
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  • rtcwake:tldr:e69a1 rtcwake: Perform a dry run to wakeup the computer at a given time. (Press Ctrl + C to abort).
    $ sudo rtcwake -m on --date ${hh:ss}
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  • rtcwake:tldr:e9ae3 rtcwake: Freeze the system (more efficient than suspend-to-RAM but version 3.9 or newer of the Linux kernel is required) and wakeup at a given date and time.
    $ sudo rtcwake -m freeze --date ${YYYYMMDDhhmm}
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  • rtcwake:tldr:fa1e6 rtcwake: Show whether an alarm is set or not.
    $ sudo rtcwake -m show -v
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