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rtmpdump: Download a file from a server that requires a referrer.
$ rtmpdump --rtmp ${rtmp:--example-com-path-to-video} --pageUrl ${http:--example-com-webpage} -o ${file-ext}
try on your machine

This command is related to the rtmpdump tool, which is used to download videos and streams from websites that use the Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP). Let's break down the command into its components:

  • rtmpdump: This is the main command for running the rtmpdump tool.

  • --rtmp ${rtmp:--example-com-path-to-video}: This specifies the RTMP URL of the video you want to download. It utilizes the ${rtmp:--example-com-path-to-video} syntax, which means if a value is provided for the rtmp variable, it will be used as the RTMP URL. Otherwise, it will default to -example-com-path-to-video.

  • --pageUrl ${http:--example-com-webpage}: This option specifies the webpage URL that contains the video. Similarly to the previous option, it utilizes the ${http:--example-com-webpage} syntax for the http variable, defaulting to -example-com-webpage if not provided.

  • -o ${file-ext}: This sets the output file name for the downloaded video. It uses the ${file-ext} syntax to determine the extension of the output file dynamically based on the video being downloaded.

Overall, this command is used to download an RTMP video by providing the necessary RTMP URL and webpage URL, and saving the downloaded video with a dynamic file extension.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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